Saturday, February 6, 2021

Fighting for Fitness

They say, "No good deed goes unpunished." At least, that's how it feels every time I try to exercise. 

A couple of years ago, I started playing a lot of basketball to stay in shape. I was working as a high school teacher and I would play with the kids before going home. Over time, however, I sprained both my ankles so badly that I had to give up playing. 

More recently, I've been motivated to get back into shape and get rid of the belly fat that seems to mark every man in his 30s. I started doing ab workouts off an app on my phone called Fitbod in order to get rid of my gut. Before long, however, I discovered that this workout strained muscles that had become vulnerable in my 20s due to an operation I had to repair a hernia & hydrocele. I guess the ab workouts are out for now.

My next plan is to go running more often so I bought a pair of running shoes today. As soon as the strained muscles stop hurting, I'll start trying to build up the amount of distance I can run. I'm hoping that I can lose the belly without running into any new obstacles (literally or metaphorically) to staying healthy.

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