Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Behind the Mask

Tonight, I went to the men's accountability group that I go to when I'm in the United States. It's a group of guys who do things like study the Bible, confess their sins to each other, and pray for each other. Tonight, they were inducting a new "covenant brother." He shared his testimony and the story of how he lost his kids. It was heart-wrenching, but there was also redemption in it. There were several other men in the group who have confessed shocking things. They're a rag tag bunch. What they have in common is that Jesus saved them.

When I meet with the group, I always think, "So this is what life looks like behind the mask." When I think I'm alone, I'm not. When I think I'm terrible, the guy next to me has always done something as bad or worse. When I feel lost and scared, like my life has no meaning, the others remind me that we all feel that way. And then they pray for me and invite me over for dinner.

I've lived most of my life alone. I'm grateful to be able to live this part of it in a community.

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